DNA Bank - General organisation
The Institute for Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders, located in the Hospital “Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento” (ICP) in Milan, is a specialized referral centre that operates in the field of movement disorders, especially Parkinson’s disease (PD) and parkinsonisms. Its activities include clinical practice, rehabilitation and scientific research.
The Parkinson Institute is the ideal place where to start a DNA Bank for PD, because it is one of the largest centres in the world for PD and parkinsonisms, where it is possible to collect many samples from patients who have been assessed and followed-up according to homogeneous and highly specialized standards.
The staff comprises 8 neurologists expert in neurodegenerative diseases, 2 neuropsychologists, 1 physician specialized in genetics, 2 physicians specialized in nutrition, an IT expert with an assistant, 2 registered nurses, one unregistered nurse, 7 secretaries and administrative assistants.
The main diseases seen at the Centre are PD and primary parkinsonisms, such as Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), Multiple System Atrophy (MSA), Corticobasal degeneration (CBD), Lewy Body Disease and secondary parkinsonisms. Also patients with other movement disorders attend the centre, such as patients with Essential Tremor, Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Dystonia, Huntington’s chorea, etc. Furthermore, the centre is also an Alzheimer Assessment Unit (the so-called “UVA”) for the diagnosis and treatment of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Approximately 2,500 patients attend the centre every year and out of these 1,100 are new patients.
Each patient attends the centre on average twice a year. At each visit motor and cognitive functions are assessed using international rating scales; in some cases, a video-recording is made to document particular motor deficits, providing that the patient has given his/her informed consent to filming. The Institute resorts to the most advanced diagnostic techniques and treatment, including medicinal products and neurosurgery, as well as other equally important means, such as physiatric therapy, psychological investigations and nutritional advice. Neuroimaging is used not only to confirm the diagnosis, but also to monitor the patient in the long-term.
Notizie correlate al progetto
- AIP - Associazione Italiana Parkinsoniani
- Il 5 per mille alla Fondazione Pezzoli, per la ricerca
- Fondazione Pezzoli per la Malattia di Parkinson
- La malattia di Parkinson
- Aiuti la Fondazione a sconfiggere la malattia!
- Sezioni AIP
- Come associarsi alla Associazione Italiana Parkinsoniani - AIP
- Esposizione agli idrocarburi e malattia di Parkinson
- Le pubblicazioni AIP
- SOS Parkinson
- La corretta alimentazione
- La fisiochinesiterapia
- Problemi di parola
- Assistenza infermieristica
- Agevolazioni per i disabili
- Problemi di deglutizione
- Banca del DNA
- Banca del DNA - Obiettivi
- Banca del DNA - Procedura di partecipazione
- Banca del DNA - Genetica del Parkinson
- Banca del DNA - Collaborazioni e richiesta campioni
- Che cos'è la BTN
- ParkinsoNews
- Prove di terapia genica
- Dopamino agonisti e valvole cardiache
Donazione online
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Progetto in dettaglio
Progetti sostenuti
- Progetti sostenuti dalla Fondazione Pezzoli
- Obiettivi di ricerca
- Articoli scientifici pubblicati
- BioBanca
- Banca del DNA
- Banca Dati Clinica
- BTN - Banca Tessuti Nervosi
- Microtubuli
- Laboratorio Analisi del Movimento
- Studio sui gemelli
- Flora intestinale (microbioma)
- Progetto Africa
- Cellule staminali
- SOS Parkinson
- ParkinsoNews
- Newsletter
- Filarmonica
La Fondazione Pezzoli
Raccoglie fondi da destinare alla ricerca scientifica per combattere la malattia di Parkinson e trovare una cura.